The editorial board of the journal

Editorial Board

 in accordance with the Nomenclature of specialties of researchers


 Philosophical Sciences


Boris O. Mayer  (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Еditor-in-chief of the journal 

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Head of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4083-4638

In 2006, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Epistemological aspects of the philosophy of education", specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

Research interests: philosophy of education, epistemology of education (see URL:

In the publishing activity of the journal "Philosophy of Education", he oversees the directions "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education", "Health-saving technologies in education".


 Nadezda Pelcova (Prague, Czech Republic)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal 

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University. 

Research interests-social philosophy (09.00.11) and its specific direction-the philosophy of education (upbringing); other related and interdisciplinary areas of scientific research-the history of the philosophy of education, the problems of human formation.

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he is an expert in the sections: "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education", "Research of the educational systems of the East and West", "Human problems in the philosophy of education", "Philosophy of Education".


Tatyana S. Kosenko  (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Philosophy of Education”

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3039-2765

In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "Socio-philosophical analysis of the problems of upbringing in modern Russia", specialty 09.00.11-social philosophy.

The sphere of scientific interests is the philosophy of education (upbringing) (see URL:

Participates in the preparation for the publication of the journal "Philosophy of Education", acts as a reviewer of the section "Philosophy of Upbringing".


 Vladimir V. Petrov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal 

Candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor, senior researcher, division for social and legal research of the Institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, associate Professor of social philosophy and of political science, Deputy Director of the Institute of philosophy and law, Novosibirsk state research University, associate Professor of natural Sciences Specialized educational scientific center of Novosibirsk state research University.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0511-857X

In 2011, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: "The essence and trends in the development of innovative education: socio-philosophical analysis", specialty 09.00.11 - "Social Philosophy".

Research interests: development of society as an organizational form of reproduction of sociality, social philosophy, management philosophy, philosophy of education, sociology of science and education (see URL:

In the work of the journal "Philosophy of Education", he is a reviewer of the section "Forecasting in education".


Kalimash K. Begalinova (Almata, Kazakhstan)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,  Professor of the Department of cultural and religious studies of the Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5575-5142

In 1999, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Sufism as a phenomenon of Muslim culture", specialty 09.00.06 - religious studies.

Specialist in education, philosophy and methodology of science, as well as on the history of Kazakh and Russian philosophy (see URL:

In the journal Philosophy of Education, he oversees the sections "Research of the education systems of the East and the West", "Questions of the formation of spirituality".


 Elena V. Bryzgalina (Moscow, Russia)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5103-9488

In 1994, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "The problem of synthesis of medical-biological and philosophical knowledge in the doctrine of individuality", specialty 09.00.11 -  social philosophy.

Research interests: analysis of the impact of modern globalization processes on the development of the theory and practice of education (see URL:

E. V. Bryzgalina's activity in reviewing the following sections of the journal is important for the journal: "Philosophy of society and education development", "Health-saving technologies in education", "Forecasting in education".


 Aleksei A. Gryakalovh (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of the History of Philosophy of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University.

In 1992, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Structuralism in the culture of the XX century (historical and methodological aspects)".

Research interests: social philosophy, philosophy of education (education) (see URL:

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he is a reviewer of the sections "Philosophy of the development of society and education" and "Philosophy of Education".


 Svetlana V. Ivanova (Moscow, Russia)

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the UNESCO Department for Global Education of the Institute for Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.

ORCID: 0000-0002-9101-6213

In 2007, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Tectological and humanistic foundations of the educational process (philosophical and methodological analysis), specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

Research interests: social philosophy, axiology of education (see URL:

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he oversees the problems of forecasting in education, the values and goals of Russian education.


 Aleksandr A. Korolkov (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophical Anthropology and History of Philosophy of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University.

In 1981, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: Dialectics, evolutionary theory and problems of development in medicine", specialty 09.00.08-philosophy of science and technology.

Russian Russian scholar is a well-known expert on the history of the Russian philosophy of enlightenment and the traditions of Russian spiritual culture, philosophical anthropology (see  URL:

The professionalism of the academician, his curatorship on the formation of spirituality, human problems in the philosophy of education is an invaluable support for the scientific journal "Philosophy of Education".


 Samuel Mendonça (Сampinas, Brazil)

PhD in Philosophy of Education, Professor of Postgraduate Studies in Education and Law, Coordinator of the Postgraduate Education Program (Master's program and doctoral studies) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he acts as an expert and reviewer of incoming materials in the section "World experience of the theory of pedagogy".


 Vladimir I. Panarin (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education for Advanced Training of managers and specialists of the Agro-industrial Complex of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University.

In 2009, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Global and regional trends in the development of domestic education (socio-philosophical analysis") specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

Research interests: educational policy in the context of world practice, global and regional trends in the development of domestic education (see URL:

In the activities of the journal "Philosophy of Education", he oversees the issues of the philosophy of the development of society and education, acting as a reviewer of scientific articles in this direction.


Ivan A. Pfanenshtil  (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Globalistics and Geopolitics of the Humanities Institute of the Siberian Federal University.

In 2006, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Modern processes of globalization in the system of the main projects of science: socio-philosophical analysis", specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

Research interests: problems of the cognitive strategy of social philosophy for revealing the causes and possibilities of overcoming the destructive processes of globalization (see URL:

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he is one of the leading experts and reviewers of articles devoted to the problems of the philosophy of the development of society and education.


Nikolai S. Rybakov (Pskov, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Pskov State University.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1007-6001

In 1994, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Fact. Genesis. Cognition " in the specialty 09.00.01 - ontology and theory of cognition.

Research interests: parametric model of education, the entry of a person into the world, comprehension of the meanings of being, the formation of spirituality, the acquisition of a person's own image (see URL:

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" reviews scientific articles in the sections: "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education, "Questions of the formation of spirituality".


 Oleg N. Smolin(Moscow, Russia)

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philosophy, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In 2001, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Socio-philosophical aspects of state educational policy in the conditions of radical transformation of Russian society", specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

Research interests: philosophical-legal and political-sociological problems of educational policy and educational law (see URL:

In the editorial board of the journal "Philosophy of Education" performs consulting work, is an expert in the section "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education".


 Elena V. Ushakova (Barnaul, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0516-6734

In 1999, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "The system-philosophical content of the modern scientific picture of the world (ideological and methodological aspect) specialty 09.00.01 - ontology and theory of knowledge.

Research interests: philosophical issues of natural science, science, the scientific picture of the world, health-saving problems (see URL:

He is an expert and reviewer of the sections "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education", "Health-saving technologies in education".


 Anna Hogenova (Prague, Czech Republic)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University. 

Research topic: philosophy as a methodology for studying the practice of education, the philosophy of physical culture and sports.

He reviews scientific articles in the following sections: "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education", "Research of educational systems of the East and West", "Health-saving technologies in education".


 Vitaly V. Tselishchev (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the SB RAS.

In 1974, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Critical analysis of modern ideas about the nature of logical truth", specialty 09.00.07 - logic.

Research interests: logic and methodology of science, epistemology of education (see URL:

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he is the reviewer of the section "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education".


Aleksandr N. Chumakov (Moscow, Russia)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Geopolitics, Faculty of Global Processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6513-5585

In 1991, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Socio-philosophical aspects of global problems" on the specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.

Research interests: philosophy of globalization and social ecology aimed at the theoretical and practical solution of the global contradictions of our time (see URL:

The journal "Philosophy of Education" evaluates the results of scientific articles in the section "Forecasting in education".


Branch of science: 13.00.00 - pedagogical sciences

 Elena V. Andrienko (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of Physical, Mathematical, Information and Technological Education of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

ORCID:  0000-0002-8345-4790

In 2002, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the formation of professional maturity of a teacher" in the specialty 13.00.08 -theory and methodology of professional education.

Research interests: professionalism and professional autodidactics, current problems of andragogy (see URL:


 Aleksei D. Gerasyov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Rector of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

In 2005, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Analysis of the mechanism of action of the zeolite of the Shivyrtuyskoye deposit on water-salt metabolism and kidney function", specialty: 03.00.04 - biochemistry, 03.00.13 - physiology.

Research interests: management of education in a crisis period, environmental physiology, scientific and methodological aspects of training specialists in the system of higher professional education (see URL: 

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he oversees the sections "Methodological foundations of the philosophy of education", "Health-saving technologies in education".


 Akryam Z. Zhafyarov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Geometry and Methods of Teaching Mathematics at the Institute of Physical and Mathematical, Information and Technological Education of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

ORCID: 0000-0002-1339-1472

In 1988, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Theory of stability of dynamic discrete models of economics and demography", specialty 01.01.09 - discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics.

Research interests: problems of individual abilities of students and issues of technologies of specialized and distance learning, competence-based approach in education (see URL:

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he oversees the section "Specific methods and innovations in the practice of education".


 Tatyana A. Romm(Novosibirsk, Russia)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of History, Humanities, and Social Education of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5566-0418

In 2008, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Historical and methodological analysis of the formation and development of theoretical ideas about social education", specialty 13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.

Research interests: fundamental problems of education and social education (see URL:

In the activities of the journal "Philosophy of Education" carries out the curation and review of sections: "Human problems in the philosophy of education", "Philosophy of Upbringing".


 Nikolai A. Ryapisov (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of Natural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Social Education, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

ORCID: 0000-0003-2080-7840

In 2007, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Development of a mechanism for assessing competence in the education management system to improve the quality of educational services", specialty 08.00.05 - economics and management of the national economy (economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes – the service sector).

Research area: economics of education, mechanisms for assessing competencies in the education management system (see URL:

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" he is one of the leading reviewers of the section "Specific methods and innovations in the practice of education".


Isabelle Sabau  (DeKalb, USA)

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Northern Illinois University School of the Arts.

Research interests: issues of informatization of education, problems of andragogy.

In the journal "Philosophy of Education" as an expert and reviewer of scientific articles in the section "World experience of the theory of pedagogy".



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