Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The editorial policy of the journal is based on the international rules of copyright protection, the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, international publishing standards. Adheres to the rules of publication ethics, supporting The code of ethics for scientific publications (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)), the Declaration "Ethical principles of scientific publications" ASEP. Compliance with the rules of publication ethics for the preparation and publication of the journal concern all participants of the editorial and publishing process: author (authors), editor, reviewers, editorial Board, co-founders, publisher.
Publication ethics of the journal*
Duties of the author or group of authors (hereinafter – the author)
The author is responsible for the authenticity and reliability of the results of scientific research and the content of the submitted manuscript.
The author should guarantee that the results of the research presented in the manuscript are completely original.
The author should guarantee that this manuscript will not be published in other journals.
Authors should follow the instructions for authors and follow the rules of citation.
Authors are required to respond to reviewers ' comments and make proposed changes based on these comments.
The author, presenting the material to the editorial office of the journal thereby consents to the placement of the full version of both materials and personal data in the open press on the Internet, on the official website of the journal, publisher, Russian state library, Russian book chamber, on the platform of the Scientific electronic library, etc.
Duties of editors
The editorial Board is responsible for the content of the journal and the quality of published articles.
The editorial board should be objective in relation to the submitted materials and take into account the main selection criteria: novelty, scientific style, compliance of the content with the declared topic and specialization of the journal.
The editorial Board is obliged to keep the anonymity of reviewers and authors within the review process.
The editorial Board does not make revision of the submitted manuscripts.
In the process of cooperation with the editor, the editor-in-chief responds to possible appeals of the authors against the comments of reviewers and other complaints.
The editorial Board has full responsibility and authority to accept/reject the material, based on the results of the reviewers, compliance with the rules of publication ethics.
The editorial board works strictly with the authors of articles without intermediaries; does not provide for accelerated publication deadlines; recognizes the requirements of compliance with the ethics of scientific publications and declares that there are no abuses of official position.
Reviewers ' responsibilities
The reviewer should be objective in the assessment.
The reviewer should not abuse the information specified in the article for personal or other benefit.
 Duties of the editorial Board
The editorial Board constantly makes efforts to improve the professional and formal quality of the journal, supports freedom of speech, and, in accordance with generally accepted standards of ethics, is always ready to publish corrections, refutations and apologies by prior agreement.
The editorial Board issues instructions concerning all editorial work (instructions for authors, guidance for the review process and reviewers, etc.).
The editorial Board of the journal "Philosophy of education" guarantees compliance with the above rules.
Responsibilities of the publishing house
The publishing house is obliged to coordinate with the editorial board the publication plan of the journal.
The publisher is fully responsible for the publication, distribution and implementation of the journal.
The publisher is responsible for regulating the subscription campaign.
*based on the Provision of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil code of the Russian Federation